Superman&Lois: The title should be "A super man and his family".


I should have watched and written about it a long, long time ago. But, I am not to blame. I was traumatized. All I had watched on CW had given me a huge feeling of waste of  DC good material (and for a DC fan, it is unforgivable).  And, I really was not a fan of Elizabeth Tulloch (who plays Lois, wonderfully well, by the way) and Tyler Hoechlin(the Superman in the Arrowverse). 

But it all changed after watching the first and sensitive, beautifully done first episode of this show. 

I was afraid this Superman was a desperated try to erase Henry Cavill from the public memory and force it againt us, clearly saying "Forget the hot brit, forget Snyder, and all YOU hold dear, because WE run this and WE tell you what to like and how things go", and thank something, I was wrong.

Hoechlin's Clark and Super is obviously more inspired by the classic Reeves one but, wisely, the script gave him a totally new way and personality by his own. The inspiration is there but is not more than an inspiration. 

We all know that he changes a lot when he is just Kent from when he is on the suit and how the actor does these alterations gives us a lot to consider about his skills, in this case, except for some bad moments, Tyler shows well his vulnerability as Clark but not going to a ridiculous path, and his confidence as Superman, as expected. 

Although there is another face we (I mean, me, at least) never had seen before in a live action production: the parent Clark.

The core of the show, and the reason why it is so good is because it is centered in family, community, real integrity and so many subjects that relates to these things and it is done with such guts and feeling, such heart and commitment that we understand the characters, we feel like part of Smallville!

The irony is that I was afraid of another empty teen dramma show as all in Warner has been, specially when it is about Arrowverse and some of the best moments was with the teenage boys. As I said, a huge irony indeed. 

Jonathan (Jordan Elsass, never had seen him before, but his work was very moving in the dramatic scenes) being named after Clark's "Earth" dad and Jordan (Alexander Garfin, also never seen by me, and also so good as the others in the cast) after his "Krypton" dad is a clue of how he values family and how things seems to be more or less predestined to go how they go. 

Jordan seems more complicated at the beginning, because of his anxiety issues, and Jonathan seems like the regular popular kid, but off course, as long as we follow them, their lives, their issues, how they do mess up things and how they really, deeply love each other and their parents, we see that stereotypes do not fit here. 

It is really hard to ellect the best thing of all in this first season/series, since nearly everything came down in right place, but one of these components, is certainly Lois.

One woman, many roles

As I said up there, Elizabeth Tulloch is not one of my favourite actresses. Her Juliet in "Grimm" unnerved me very much. Oh, another detail: I barely can stand Lois Lane. Does not matter the media. In comics, animations, almost all the time I spot the reporter I just do not like her. However I just decided to open my heart and mind to this new way to see the character, and voilá, I simply LOVED her!

This Lois is obviously strong, intelligent, and a great competent straightforward journalist and yet has a deep and undenial love and devotion to her husband and kids. Also, we realize in some scenes that her father, even his intentions were good, gave her some emotional marks while growing up, it made her even more complex as a woman.

No matter how long you watched the Lois versions, this one is something, as Clark, that, at least I never had seen on screens: a parent. A good, loving, caring, dedicated and real parent. 

She is fierce in protect them (sometimes even more than the super husband), but she represses and scolds them when she feels like it is needed, as well.
When she and Clark talk to them is really like that mother and father who knows better, lived longer and is concerned about the kids's choices. They want to guide the boys to make them good, honest and altruistic people, as Martha made with Clark, for example.  

Nothing, not even one scene or line when Tulloch comes around sounds like from a cheap script. 
She sounds deep, genuine and capable of almost everything. That woman is amazing. She is the central piece of that family and everyone knows it. If something happened to Clark it would hurt the family, off course, but, somehow she would find the strength to build them back. However if they lost Lois, it would certainly at least get dangerously close to destroying them completely. 

But where's Arrowverse?

To the people who thinks awkward that there was not even a mention about Kara, since she is Clark's cousin, I understand them, but I believe in the reasons the main writters Greg Berlanti, Todd Helbing and Nadria Tucker (yes, I am aware she is no longer in the production and all her accusations, but the woman wrote with them, so I will give her credits because it is only fair) gave, they said and I quote:

 "There was this weird set of circumstances where, because of production or timing or COVID, everything in the show that was related to the Arrowverse has gotten pulled out".

But he completes saying that he hopes it all can work out to have connections and even crossovers, in second season/series. 

I don't know if  I am eager or afraid to join Arrowverse to this recipe of success. Let's be honest, everyone: Arrowverse sucks. Their scripts sucks.
It turned amazing heroes into babies. Stupid babies with shallow dramas.

So, yes, they could mention Kara, or Barry but, God, please, they don't need to show up.   


No, I am not talking about the comedy TV show. I am talking about something that might seem more unrealistic than a man shooting lasers through his eyes. I am talking about a place where everybody knows everybody by name and really cares about each other.
Smallville here is almost another character, the city is alive! 
The sense of coming back home that Clark feels and how he wants to pass it to his boys is touching. Not in a easy and obvious ways. No, you see in his moves and the way he talks to Lana and other people around. 
They are like members of a huge family that he does not see in a long while and cares a lot about and they care a lot about him (and so on, about his family) too.

There are many other things I could talk about in this review, but just in case you never saw anything about the show, I will stop here just recommending a lot that you watch this the soon as you can. 

                                                                                                               Grade: 8.0

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